Our Winter Action 2024/25

Dear Customers,

we introduce you our new offer for the winter season. Use our special offer and purchase products for safe driving at special prices.

All parts are in stock!

  • Snow chains sets
  • Engine heating set
  • Rubber blades
  • Glow plugs for Multicar M25

All these parts you can find in our e-shop.

We are looking forward to your orders!

Team Auto SAS

Snow chains set = 2 pcs chain for Multicar

H2-16 Snow chains set 6.70x13 M25 ... 101 Eur
260472,00 Snow wheel chain set M26 ... 97 Eur

28412 Snow chains set M27, M30 FUMO, M31 ... 155 Eur

Engine heating sets for Multicar M25

M30-39 Engine heating set M25 4x2  ... 53 Eur
M30-40 Engine heating set M25 4x4 ... 53 Eur

Rubber blades

WSS 00510,1 Rubber blade with fiber for M25 (100x12,5x3 cm) ... 28 EUR/Stück
WSS 00511 Rubber blade PMS, PPS 170 (66x12,5x3 cm) ... 23 EUR/Stück

Glow plugs for Multicar M25

M25-7 Glow plug small M25 ... 5,7 EUR/piece
M25-7,1 Glow plug big M25 ... 5,9 EUR/piece

*Prices without VAT

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