The company Auto SAS Ltd. works in the area of municipial and material handling equipment and spare parts for this area more than 25 years.
Our main goal is to be as nearer to you as possible. We are working hardly to offer you a wide range of spare parts for your machines.
You can choose spare parts in our e-shop 24 hours and 7 days a week. You can consult your choice with our operators by e-mail or phone, if you are not sure. Sometimes it could be difficult to tip the right spare parts.
Our operators are ready to help you to find the best solution for your machine. To be able to help you we will need these information:
Our offer range consists from:
So you can be sure what you purchase.
In our e-shop we use photos of products which we took in our stock. For this moment it couldd be aroudn
20 thousands items. We took photo of each item so every item of our e-shop we had
or have on our stock. If some item is not available, contact us! We are ready to order it
at our supplier. The delivery time is around 2 or 5 days. We will inform you about the date of delivery.
You can be sure that we know how the product looks like, what are its dimensions, how much does it weight or from which material is produced. Simply we know what we sell.
We update the info about availability of goods regularly.
All items are regularly updated so the risk the goods which is marked as "on stock" is
not available is minimal. In our e-shop "on stock" means the item is physically on our
stock. The probability you order the same item together with other customer in one moment is very small
but if it is come we are ready to solve it very quickly.
The goods marked as "on stock" we are ready to distribute in 24 hours. The real delivery time depends on the chosen delivery service.
If the goods is not available, don't be afraid. Our operators will find it and deliver in the fastest possible date, usually in 2 / 5 days.
Our operators are skillful and know their job. They are ready to help you to choose the right spare part
for your machine.
The team SASPARTS consist from trained specialists who love their job. Every day they are ready to
help you. So you can contact them on the phone number or by e-mail. They advise you with the choose.